2010.Mar.24, 11:57 PM
2010.Mar.25, 12:28 AM
(2010.Mar.24 11:48 PM)cheetah Wrote: [ -> ]First, DM is by far no baby gang!
That said, if it were not for the GCB which I am not atm willing to give up, I would love to see one thing happen! A revival of the Villains Vixens (although without the Villains tag, as it would involve females from many gangs, and would simply be again, an all RL girl gang) The reason for forming it would be to defend Weebs, to punish e-wh0res, and to show we girls can kick arse without the help of "men" who think they are superior in this game.
Just a what if--me, Howl, Bec, Jola, Snoop, Eff, Granny/Sis, Dusti, Snow Leopardess, BlackMamba, Tess, Breeze, NestaVipers, TealJade, and anyone I'm sorry I overlooked, except of course obviously 8....if it weren't for the damned gcb, if we all joined up for just a weekend at that, I think we could wreak some real havoc upon AL, and make the guys with their sexist remarks shut their f'n mouths once and for all! And we would have a damn fun time doing it!
Even though it won't happen, think about it guys, IF we did all join up, you would all be toast! And no we wouldn't share our stories, or our pics of our pillow fights in our nighties with you anyways!
Damn GCB, without it I would so be recruiting this!
I don't trust you one bit with a pillow. You'd find a way to eviscerate someone with the zipper. I'm down with the sisterhood concept though, if it isn't named Villains. It also must include my girls Pickles and Deja, who wear pants on a daily basis.
Shame about the GCB, wouldn't wanna lose my stinger. Maybe Zen can do a dream day. For 24 hours, nothing is recorded on the server and all hell breaks loose across AL.
2010.Mar.25, 01:11 AM
(2010.Mar.24 03:55 PM)zenith Wrote: [ -> ]Recently I became aware of a cover-up when looking in the logs. Prior to EightStar's original post being moved to the unmodded forum, it appears Weebay thought he was responding from an alternative forum account instead of his own. After noticing the mistake, he had his erroneous post deleted. It was already quoted by a couple of other players and labeled "suspicious", but then as usual the topic went in another direction. When I discovered this information, I didn't want to believe it.
i personally found weebs to be a good guy. had some laughs and found him to be a fair player. reading what zen posted, makes sense he would get a banned though.
2010.Mar.25, 01:30 AM
(2010.Mar.24 11:48 PM)cheetah Wrote: [ -> ]Even though it won't happen
2010.Mar.25, 03:48 AM
(2010.Mar.24 11:48 PM)cheetah Wrote: [ -> ]First, DM is by far no baby gang!
That said, if it were not for the GCB which I am not atm willing to give up, I would love to see one thing happen! A revival of the Villains Vixens (although without the Villains tag, as it would involve females from many gangs, and would simply be again, an all RL girl gang) The reason for forming it would be to defend Weebs, to punish e-wh0res, and to show we girls can kick arse without the help of "men" who think they are superior in this game.
Just a what if--me, Howl, Bec, Jola, Snoop, Eff, Granny/Sis, Dusti, Snow Leopardess, BlackMamba, Tess, Breeze, NestaVipers, TealJade, and anyone I'm sorry I overlooked, except of course obviously 8....if it weren't for the damned gcb, if we all joined up for just a weekend at that, I think we could wreak some real havoc upon AL, and make the guys with their sexist remarks shut their f'n mouths once and for all! And we would have a damn fun time doing it!
Even though it won't happen, think about it guys, IF we did all join up, you would all be toast! And no we wouldn't share our stories, or our pics of our pillow fights in our nighties with you anyways!
Damn GCB, without it I would so be recruiting this!
I endorse this suggestion. I believe I made a topic about this same plan several months back. The idea would be that you would not lose your gang days if you left your current gang to go and join another for a week orso. You could then be reaccepted to your old gang without days lost.
You get it in real life, where people mingle in other gangs or to gain info or even just to help out in a conflict, yet they still remain loyal to there own gang. If something could be done to allow this to happen I believe it would be a winner for sure.
2010.Mar.25, 04:05 AM
(2010.Mar.25 03:48 AM)JohnRambo Wrote: [ -> ]Rambones knows alot about the in's and out's of RL gangs.....(2010.Mar.24 11:48 PM)cheetah Wrote: [ -> ]First, DM is by far no baby gang!
That said, if it were not for the GCB which I am not atm willing to give up, I would love to see one thing happen! A revival of the Villains Vixens (although without the Villains tag, as it would involve females from many gangs, and would simply be again, an all RL girl gang) The reason for forming it would be to defend Weebs, to punish e-wh0res, and to show we girls can kick arse without the help of "men" who think they are superior in this game.
Just a what if--me, Howl, Bec, Jola, Snoop, Eff, Granny/Sis, Dusti, Snow Leopardess, BlackMamba, Tess, Breeze, NestaVipers, TealJade, and anyone I'm sorry I overlooked, except of course obviously 8....if it weren't for the damned gcb, if we all joined up for just a weekend at that, I think we could wreak some real havoc upon AL, and make the guys with their sexist remarks shut their f'n mouths once and for all! And we would have a damn fun time doing it!
Even though it won't happen, think about it guys, IF we did all join up, you would all be toast! And no we wouldn't share our stories, or our pics of our pillow fights in our nighties with you anyways!
Damn GCB, without it I would so be recruiting this!
I endorse this suggestion. I believe I made a topic about this same plan several months back. The idea would be that you would not lose your gang days if you left your current gang to go and join another for a week orso. You could then be reaccepted to your old gang without days lost.
You get it in real life, where people mingle in other gangs or to gain info or even just to help out in a conflict, yet they still remain loyal to there own gang. If something could be done to allow this to happen I believe it would be a winner for sure.
He is a big fan of Ross Kemp.

2010.Mar.25, 04:31 AM
(2010.Mar.24 11:45 PM)peteycrack Wrote: [ -> ]Why isn't she fed jail'd?...or are we gunna lose some more good players from bans before people are satisfied?
seriously? still dnt get it?
2010.Mar.25, 05:53 AM
X pats got banned for less this is a FACT!
2010.Mar.25, 06:16 AM
(2010.Mar.24 05:11 PM)cheetah Wrote: [ -> ]I believe 8 Star chick's comment was "yet another picture of you with a girl to prove you aren't gay"
The exact words may not be right, but that's the summary of what she said.
She called him out on the AL forums as gay.
That is a slanderous statement.
Why is that slanderous? Are you saying there is something wrong with being gay?

2010.Mar.25, 06:37 AM
(2010.Mar.25 06:16 AM)klaw16 Wrote: [ -> ](2010.Mar.24 05:11 PM)cheetah Wrote: [ -> ]I believe 8 Star chick's comment was "yet another picture of you with a girl to prove you aren't gay"
The exact words may not be right, but that's the summary of what she said.
She called him out on the AL forums as gay.
That is a slanderous statement.
Why is that slanderous? Are you saying there is something wrong with being gay?
Also, if calling someone a name is a bannable offense, 90% of AL would be gone. Im pretty sure most people have called Tommi a name or two in the past. Not me, of course.