(2010.Mar.23 05:37 PM)zenith Wrote: [ -> ]Maybe we need an official title bout then.
the belt situation has been established. wranglers=belt...all others=shitstained dildos. thanks though...

VS won the belt from wranglers a long time ago. If there were to be a title match it would have to be established so wranglers couldnt roll someone at 3am.
thanks for a bit of fun that war was class
(2010.Mar.23 05:37 PM)zenith Wrote: [ -> ]Maybe we need an official title bout then.
How about you don't start a contest/title/giveaway in order to cover up the issue. You banned 2 players that had the respect of the community and your own, up to this point. That requires a statement from you. It's good community PR.
That being said, Preach's idea of a belt is cool. KB for Cruiserweight Champions 2010!
Hey, do both! Multitask, admin!
(2010.Mar.23 06:10 PM)thatthingufear Wrote: [ -> ]VS won the belt from wranglers a long time ago. If there were to be a title match it would have to be established so wranglers couldnt roll someone at 3am.
Never been a war against VS at 3 am. Twas the other way around, me...you.
(2010.Mar.23 06:18 PM)jamiewhite Wrote: [ -> ]thanks for a bit of fun that war was class
Where the eff are my roses?!
An den
(2010.Mar.23 07:10 PM)Troopermccue Wrote: [ -> ] (2010.Mar.23 06:23 PM)Chymere Wrote: [ -> ]You banned 2 players that had the respect of the community and your own, up to this point. That requires a statement from you.
Stay on topic ple.........nm