(2010.Feb.24 11:15 AM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]Why don't you let Conrad elaborate why he's on the wuss column, John, rather than stick your bone in the wrong chili pot?
Ahh, nice hint. Gotchya now. Now I see why were in the wuss column. Its because we allow upstart weaklings to mouth off at us without retaliating in game. Maybe its time to change that.
You really like to switch cack as much as you can, huh John? First it's UncleDave's bone you're yamming on, then it's Conrad's with taking his twisting of words.
Anyway, go for it. Wonder if you'll succeed, anyway.
(2010.Feb.24 11:19 AM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]Anyway, go for it. Wonder if you'll succeed, anyway.
I think you already know the answer to that.
With a belt, yes. I've removed mine, by the way, so you have a better chance.

(2010.Feb.24 11:15 AM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]Why don't you let Conrad elaborate why he's on the wuss column, John, rather than stick your bone in the wrong chili pot?
i have no idea what it takes to get on there. this would be the third (3rd) time i have asked you in this thread. please explain. if its a secret...please tell me how to get OFF of it. I may sign my famliy up on this game at the reunion this weekend and my feelings will be hurt if they see me on that list. I'll throw in a Conrad Reunion T-shirt if you tell us.
(2010.Feb.24 11:23 AM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]With a belt, yes. I've removed mine, by the way, so you have a better chance. 
So I have your permission to fuck you up then?
Well, Conrad...If you want to get off, don't attack me in game for the crap I give you on here for giving me crap. That's the reason you're on there, Much like Biff is on there for being half-assed and a punk and UncleDave's down there for complaining about getting stims I couldn't give.
Simple as that. You went on there for a reason. If you can find a way to make yourself less of a jackass, you have a good chance of getting off.
Unless I forget..Then, you're stuck on there.
Edit: Quit being half-assed, John. You don't need my permission to beat up on me. If you threaten it, do it and get it out of your system.
Heh. Bet you're glad you didn't try to hospitalize me, huh?
You mugged Behemoth and stole $0 out of their pockets!
You could have left a tip. Fine now thats outta my system, but you arent my main priority right now, there are several other loud mouths who need a few days absence from the game.
I kind of wish I had that belt on, now. You'd of been chewing on a big ole shat sandwich.
(2010.Feb.24 11:33 AM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]I kind of wish I had that belt on, now. You'd of been chewing on a big ole shat sandwich.
Put it on, round 2? Ill try a hosp too if you equip the belt. Eat some candies too, then there can be no argument