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Full Version: somethings got to give
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declarable gangs looks kinda like this...

Super Villains
Balazar's Gang
The Misfits
Seven Laws
X Pats
The Space Wranglers
Killer Bees
The Beer Store
Shadows of Light
Villains Syndicate
Soul Gaurdians
Wrangler Space
Redemptionist Purgatory
I agree their needs to be more gangs to declare on.


Declare that shite then
(2010.Jan.18 07:54 PM)thatthingufear Wrote: [ -> ]I agree their needs to be more gangs to declare on.

i didn't mean there needs to be more. i just mean all hell may break loose soon.
Which would be good. Maybe some of AL will grow a pair and stop being pansies.
If the past is any indicator, power vacuums like these won't last long without some of the gangs splintering from internal differences.
(2010.Jan.18 07:57 PM)Conrad1103 Wrote: [ -> ]
(2010.Jan.18 07:54 PM)thatthingufear Wrote: [ -> ]I agree their needs to be more gangs to declare on.

i didn't mean there needs to be more. i just mean all hell may break loose soon.

(2010.Jan.18 07:54 PM)ClosedCasket Wrote: [ -> ]Declare that drek then

Back full time? Quickest retirement yet. What happened to "Give until May and I will play for 18 hours a day again no nig deal"? Friggin' drama queen attention whhore.
(2010.Jan.18 07:51 PM)Conrad1103 Wrote: [ -> ]declarable gangs looks kinda like this...

Super Villains
Balazar's Gang
The Misfits
Seven Laws
X Pats
The Space Wranglers
Killer Bees
The Beer Store
Shadows of Light
Villains Syndicate
Soul Gaurdians
Wrangler Space
Redemptionist Purgatory

Basically the farmed and the farmers then. About time the farmers started shouting "get off my land" and fight


well if we had more resources i promise we would be having some more fun. I love a good war now and then but they get too costly and just end up with SOME of the bigger gangs getting upset when you fight back they start hosping players, fun but just cant afford it Sad.
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