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Full Version: somethings got to give
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(2010.Jan.20 08:39 PM)Brugada Wrote: [ -> ]What a farging idiot POS Dru is. That douchwad edited out all of the great ideas we put a lot of work and thought into. Thanks for nothing fuckstick. Bring back wraith.

Take your leash and shove it up your razz taint licker.

He must think that when we speak of a crusty sock we are talking about him.

At least you could have split the topic. Conrad didnt ask for it to be deleted.
Brutal editing man, I never thought I'd see the day a discussion of socks would be moderated-If I wasn't so lazy, I'd make my own message board where you could talk about any article of clothing you wanted to. Suspenders might have their own section for shits sake...
And zen edited out my last posts. WTF? Can nothing be posted anymore? No wonder members are down with mods going nuts and admin on their nuts as well. Rolleyes
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