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Full Version: somethings got to give
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Too many people are too quick to hosp, that is where the crux of all this lies.


agreed especially when they are the ones to declare at that.


(2010.Jan.19 05:25 AM)strt182 Wrote: [ -> ]well if we had more resources i promise we would be having some more fun. I love a good war now and then but they get too costly and just end up with SOME of the bigger gangs getting upset when you fight back they start hosping players, fun but just cant afford it Sad.

Gotta admit, your gang is a pain to war at times. You have a good attitude, definately one of the last gangs we want to war.


(2010.Jan.19 04:00 AM)bebopcrew420 Wrote: [ -> ]
(2010.Jan.18 07:54 PM)ClosedCasket Wrote: [ -> ]Declare that drek then

Back full time? Quickest retirement yet. What happened to "Give until May and I will play for 18 hours a day again no nig deal"? Friggin' drama queen attention whhore.

Lol glad somebody got that joke
i raised a family and completed my PhD last week also. no nig deal.
Just last week? What are you going to do this week then?
(2010.Jan.19 10:13 AM)zliplus Wrote: [ -> ]Just last week? What are you going to do this week then?

12 grams of blow + a little ambition = a very productive day
löysi tänään postilaatikosta paljon paketteja Biggrin Loistavaa Biggrin

More like Needtogetlaid'd
Am I right? Winky
What a fucking idiot POS Dru is. That douchwad edited out all of the great ideas we put a lot of work and thought into. Thanks for nothing fuckstick. Bring back wraith.

Take your leash and shove it up your azz taint licker.
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