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Full Version: what's so scary bout SV?
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Super Villains 8347 6040 40 Villains Syndicate Summary
also to the SVs good war.
No big deal or anything. Biggrin
Good for you.

How far back did that war put your team in career points? While SV is beatable, one win in a war against them probably isn't worth the loads of career points one would have to spend to repair repair.....and then repair some more.
eh i used more on you guys than on them
(2010.Jan.08 05:20 PM)Joshiwa Wrote: [ -> ]Good for you.

How far back did that war put your team in career points? While SV is beatable, one win in a war against them probably isn't worth the loads of career points one would have to spend to repair repair.....and then repair some more.

Not that much, amazingly. Being prepared is a very wild thing, if you know what you're doing.

Should stop being scared and making excuses not to fight. There're gangs out there much tougher than VS, and they shit bricks at the mere thought of fighting SV.
Nobody cares. Just saying.
(2010.Jan.08 05:24 PM)Brugada Wrote: [ -> ]Everyone's scared. Just saying.

I know.


(2010.Jan.08 05:16 PM)johnsonhalo76 Wrote: [ -> ]Super Villains 8347 6040 40 Villains Syndicate Summary
also to the SVs good war.

Nice guys!

It's sad that the only gang that can beat us is our TRAINING GANG!

Either way, good to know we're training them well, and Mosq is doing a great job leading them! And good to know we have some damn good members coming our way soon!

Didn't Dis beat you guys a month or so ago?
brug, everyone complains about SV, only Diss really hits them and it's increasingly rarer, however we just proved that people can take them down with some planning. and you guys in SW can take us with ease if we're not ready so if we took them with some effort you guys should need less.
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