2010.Jan.09, 04:43 PM
2010.Jan.09, 05:02 PM
(2010.Jan.09 04:43 PM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]2 + 2 does not equal fish, Rambo.
Trust you to think of food!
2010.Jan.09, 05:07 PM
Trust in you to think of fat jokes, one of the few things in your arsenal of insults, though they fail horribly. Wasn't thinkin' of food. I don't want to eat what's in my fish tank..They're smart. Even smarter than you, BiffBeef.
2010.Jan.09, 05:27 PM
(2010.Jan.09 05:07 PM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]Trust in you to think of fat jokes, one of the few things in your arsenal of insults, though they fail horribly. Wasn't thinkin' of food. I don't want to eat what's in my fish tank..They're smart. Even smarter than you, BiffBeef.
Why so defensive?
2010.Jan.09, 06:06 PM
(2010.Jan.09 02:11 AM)McCule Wrote: [ -> ]We tend to remind our gang members that personal statements made on a public forum reflect on our gang in a negative or positive manner. I've never said SV are cheaters or wussies. You're just bitter you were kicked down to the training gang for being weak sauce, bandwagon-jumper.
Obviously Ush has not been informed of this rule.
99, I think he was Crazy Foley, whoever he is, is pulling his weight, and doing a hell of a job in building VS.
Props to him.
Just bc you didn't appreciate him, doesn't mean we don't!
(2010.Jan.09 02:19 AM)thatthingufear Wrote: [ -> ]You begged me to stay in Val. I felt that with school starting up soon I would not be able to make the 300 attacks a week minimum. So I left to go and help run your guys training gang.
Also how am I bandwagon jumper?
Wow, a gang with a minimum attacks per week?!
And still not the number one gang?!
Maybe if yall voted on stuff, your gang wouldn't be in that predicament. Just sayin....
(2010.Jan.09 12:13 PM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]This is a little out there, but I had a thought the other day.
What if SV decided NOT to be as nice as they are being to the AL community? What if they decided to take up true villainy and start stomping everyone a new arsehole? Would you guys just sit there and take it, like you always do? Even after weeks and weeks of it going on?
That was my thought. Wonder if you guys would quit, too, and ruin that character you worked so hard to build for just such an occasion before you start attacking back.
I actually agree, (yes hell froze over), but no more contests that no one appreciates where we give out thousands if not millions of dollars.
Time to be villains, true to the word! We'll vote on it tomorrow

2010.Jan.09, 06:18 PM
cow manure. CF left Valhalla on his own accord. He knew he wouldn't be able to keep up, so he went to help out in the training gang. To label him with weak sauce and band wagon jumper is weak sauce. How about some respect and appreciation he deserves.
2010.Jan.09, 06:19 PM
(2010.Jan.09 05:27 PM)JohnRambo Wrote: [ -> ](2010.Jan.09 05:07 PM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]Trust in you to think of fat jokes, one of the few things in your arsenal of insults, though they fail horribly. Wasn't thinkin' of food. I don't want to eat what's in my fish tank..They're smart. Even smarter than you, BiffBeef.
Why so defensive?
Because you're not as tough as you think. I thank you for takin' off that ridiculous belt, though.
Combatants Behemoth FirstBlood
Level During Fight 41 49
Starting Health 2100 Healthy
Hits 8 9
Best Hit 812 663
Gang Points 0 0
Total Damage Received 2,647 2,371
Total Damage Resisted 332 224
Total Damage Taken 2,315 2,147
2010.Jan.09, 06:22 PM
(2010.Jan.09 04:36 PM)JohnRambo Wrote: [ -> ]This coming in the BIGGEST whine thread of all time.
There is NO whining in this thread, sorry you can't read!
I do know though, who, when we vote to be true villains, will be our first character target!
2010.Jan.09, 06:39 PM
(2010.Jan.09 06:22 PM)cheetah Wrote: [ -> ](2010.Jan.09 04:36 PM)JohnRambo Wrote: [ -> ]This coming in the BIGGEST whine thread of all time.
There is NO whining in this thread, sorry you can't read!
I do know though, who, when we vote to be true villains, will be our first character target!
Ty, I'll introduce myself to your training gang too should the shit hit the fan.
2010.Jan.09, 06:41 PM
It's no fun pulling a Rambo...