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Full Version: what's so scary bout SV?
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(2010.Jan.09 01:23 PM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]When's the next time you're gonna quit, Favre?

When you defeat me.
I defeated you a while ago. Can I have my prize, now?


(2010.Jan.09 01:31 PM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]I defeated you a while ago. Can I have my prize, now?

8 months ago does not count, specially as I was unarmed an inactive.
I think I posted whenever you bit off with me just recently, bud. Not even a month ago.

When do I receive my prize of your permanent retirement?


Candy help does not count. Anyway what was your thought again? Cn you remember it? Not that it has anything to do with you, your just a coattail rider, not even worthy enough to be in the main gang.
Your old, ineffective insults don't work, Rambo. And there was no candy involved in beating you. You were all belt then, and you're still all belt, now.
if they can beat u then, let em go be their own gang instead of ya little baby gang


(2010.Jan.09 03:11 PM)drec92 Wrote: [ -> ]if they can beat u then
Its time to disband SV's
Still retarded, I see...

Oh well...Can't fix stupid.


(2010.Jan.09 03:51 PM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]Still retarded, I see...

Oh well...Can't fix stupid.

This coming in the BIGGEST whine thread of all time.
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