pyramiding dong bag get your forum posting privalidges revoked?
I just check moderator panel and no one has been banned the last few weeks, or is banned at this point of time.
Some might be in moderator queue, but they can still manage to post in the forum.
i bet Druchhi would be a great Manager at work. the best micro manager of all time...and best arse kisser.
idk...maybe not. probably just an attention whore.
Thanks Conrad

I am a man who does appreciate a nice butt.
(2009.Dec.23 12:21 PM)Druchii Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks Conrad
I am a man who does appreciate a nice butt.
Did you purposely set yourself up for a gay joke, or was it by accident?
(2009.Dec.23 10:23 AM)JohnRambo Wrote: [ -> ]propjoe, marlo?
i maybe a little late, but me, foley and johnsonhalo all got banned for a short time for it, and our pyramid was far more epic from what i saw last night...
we went from banned, to mod queue, to just a 50% warning in about an hour lol...druchii wasnt a fan of our pyramid...
edit: i can edit comments, but cannot post...
when are the mods going back on vacation? can someone let me know so i can come back when the forums are fun again....