(2009.Dec.08 10:08 AM)MrHyde Wrote: (2009.Dec.08 09:44 AM)ClosedCasket Wrote: I like the hosp war thingy, sounds like there was a lot of respect passed out and I want mine!
So what gangs are going to war this year? Was that some kind of free for all? Or were there teams? Was it planned or aggravated?
As far as I remember it all kicked of after johnrambo said somthing to someone, cant remember what or who, but he got put into hosp and it all snowballed from there.
(2008.Dec.13 08:37 PM)Lucky666 Wrote: raf started hosping SV people
so Pun hit back
than everyone just got involved
Also Raf said that Pun hit him online..dunno if that part is true or not.
I was there

I got a few hits in where I could but spent a LOT of time in the hospital, oddly enough last Dec was my 2nd best month ever for trains.
December 2008 17,403 16,489.46