Cheap Credits
2007.Feb.24, 09:33 PM
Cheap Credits
Post: #1
Whats with the cheap credits im trying to make some money off of this like a stock market and everything is dirt cheap
2007.Feb.25, 12:13 AM
Post: #2
good to see the old supply/demand "invisible hand" at work!
2007.Mar.02, 06:27 PM
Post: #3
it's rather painful to keep reducing the price for credits every few days just so they sell.
2007.Mar.02, 06:56 PM
Post: #4
At least you know they can't go below 200. Otherwise donators would sell their credits for 200 a piece and buy them back from the market.

Zenith [2]
Game Creator and Admin
2007.Mar.02, 06:58 PM
Post: #5
I predict credits for sale at $205 within the month.
2007.Mar.02, 07:00 PM
Post: #6
I don't even bother with the market anymore. I just sell at 200 to the donation house and hope I can gamble it higher (not recommended).
2007.Mar.03, 02:05 AM
Post: #7
The donation house says a single credit can buy you +.25 Intelligence/Endurance Rating.

Is that correct? Or should it say Development Point?

Or does 40 credits boost my intel from 4 to 14?
2007.Mar.03, 07:57 AM
Post: #8
It is development points.
2007.Mar.03, 08:28 AM
Post: #9
You get .25 pts per credits for 4 credits= 1 full development points in specified area. So 40 credits = 10 dev. pts not levels
2007.Mar.03, 03:59 PM
Post: #10
sounds expensive at first, but it's not that bad.

Although, if you go this route... it could be pricey.

5 $429,496,729 $2,147,483,647

lmfao, I guess the credits aren't THAT cheap after all? Biggrin