Aggrivating Game
2006.Jul.18, 08:37 PM
Post: #11
Yeah, its out of control. A gold bar (credit) can fetch you over 10 billion if you have the right buyer. Although they try to limit it to 10 million. The top house costs 900 trillion bucks. The best weapon costs around 65 trillion. And with the th best house, I can spend 90 points in the gym and get 124000 stat points. I have around 38million stat points already.

So yeah, it is way out of control.
2006.Jul.18, 08:38 PM
Post: #12
yeah thats alot of money :o
2006.Jul.18, 08:47 PM
Post: #13
Oh yeah, and the upper level bank gives 10% interest per DAY. So today my 300 trillion made me 20 trillion :-).
2009.May.28, 08:42 AM
RE: Aggrivating Game
Post: #14
