(2009.Aug.04 04:18 AM)ZhuSeth Wrote: You know, that bot doen't even break any rule. It trains, does crimes just like any other player.
From an ethical point of view though, it's a dirty business.
Rule 13 # Use of any browser extention or program that "plays the game for you" or "plays the game while you are away" is not tolerated and will lead to a permanent banning from the game.
I thought of writing one back when I was first introduced the the game... Then my referrer pointed this out. So I bought a smartphone instead. Sure I miss a few trains here and there, but it gives me something to do while waiting in lines/traffic/visiting the inlaws/etc. (and the phone even works on other websites)
If you have a desk job/spend a lot in time in front of a PC that can access the site, you are talking about 5-10 mouse clicks every 15-30 minutes. The pace of play can be grueling, but it doesn't have to be. Sadly, training has almost become a reflex... even when I tell my self I am going to level up, I still click Login, Gym, train, crimes, crime type, try again, try again, bank and change browser windows before I realize it. I've driven my happiness into the dirt before doing this, then think 'sh*t, I was supposed to attack/skill this time'