(2010.Jul.05 09:24 PM)Conrad1103 Wrote: (2010.Jul.05 01:10 PM)Moriarty Wrote: Strongest players in AL in MVP shock
Seriously MVP for sitting in the battleground all day unable to be beaten 
At least tommi could be knocked out, although i would like to see his for and against.
Everytime i went into the battleground I had to sit around waiting for tommi to show up, no wonder the odds won as they had more targets, perhaps next time the rest of the odds can grow a pair and compete.
yeah! grow a pair, odds! come to fight next time.
I am an odd and only got to go into the battle ground once. Had a great holiday with my family so not much time for the comp. Yet, when I did go in there was ony about 9 people in there and Bender was the only even player. Cheetah, Asagard, Tommi, Ush, devilsreject, were the ones I remember in there specifically. I didn't have anyone to attack. So to me it seemed like the evens were the ones hiding.