OK so far I have the following...
Battleground Area
This area is where attacks will count. It is free to travel to. In this area you can only attack players who are not on the same team as you... and teams are determined by your userid... even or odd. You can attack gang-members here as well. You also can attack no matter the health rating of either player.
All players losing in a battle are pushed back to Downtown Decatur.
Players in the battleground area cannot travel out unless they lose in combat.
Victorious players stay in the battleground area.
Hit point recovery in the battleground area will be non-existent. You'll have to heal yourself.
Hospital minutes for players pushed out of the battleground area will revert to 10 minutes. Total hospital minutes however will continue to be tallied as normal, so if you get 200 minutes you will get credit for 200 minutes... the opponent however will only have to serve 10 minutes of it.
I kind of want to make it where the side that wins gets a bonus day such as improved crime cash and no jail time or something of that nature. I can add more restrictions to who you can attack so the high-levels can't just dominate, but we can leave that up to you guys to decide. Or we can take only the best total from each player's theoretical maximum amount of attacks per day... all attacks over this amount are ignored. Just ideas