(2009.May.29 12:27 PM)PhisheVA Wrote: (2009.May.29 12:16 PM)Batman Wrote: Hy MrJonhson....welcome on this thread,if you know the subject must keep it for you...
I think was a lil Diss on this forum...Zhuy...where is Zhuy???
DW you are a crazy dude..
.how Canadians supports you???
Can someone translate that for me?
yup...i think this great player (Batman) want's to say:
1-hello MrJonhson,how do you do???
2.-he want's back on forum Zhuy,a little player from Dissidence gang,Zhuy have humor not like you
3-Batman tell to Deathwing he is a crazy dude/person/human...and ask how Canadians(Canda is a country) supports DW....
how hard is???