thought i was finta leave y'all hanging, eh?? i may not have completed any of the 4 english 1a courses that i have initiated, but i do know a bit about organizing thoughts and writing proper conclusions lol
my being in a good place relates to this game directly because WHILE i am holding this space of positive and productive energy, i want to take the time to first of all APOLOGIZE to any and all the people of this community that i may have offended at any time and for any reason, during the course of my playing this game that i have come to enjoy so much.
this is a great game, filled with a miriad of eccentric people, with brilliant minds filled with various talents and skills that go beyond the confines of this gaming world we play in. sometimes it is very easy to get caught up in the day to day routine of this wonderful pastime, and forget that at the end of it all, we are still people. we still have feelings, and are sensitive to criticism and harsh words. in case you may have overlooked this fact, i am here to tell you that it is very easy to thoughtlessly express inconsiderate and offensive thoughts and criticisms over the internet lol
so, if i have ever offended anyone, for being vulgar in my forum posts or "private" messages sent under the watchful eyes of the god of these great awakenedlands (ZEN

, or you may have felt i was a smart arse and insulted your intelligence, or i may have attacked you too close to the time "i should have known you would be online", or for whatever reason i wasn't all that you felt i should of been as i fell short of the perfect state of agape that i do genuinely strive for... please accept my most humble apology and best wishes in all of your future endeavors.
as great a game as this is, and as much time and money as we all continue to devote to this game (i am donating again when my money gets back right... i'll do my part to support you for your work Zen)( plus i need the happiness boost that 10mil house can provide lol), let's all try to keep in mind that at the end of the day, when the computer is shutdown and the cell phone is charging, there really are REAL PEOPLE playing this game from different perspective than our own. let us to all we can to keep the energy in this recreational space POSITIVE and in good sport.
i know it is difficult at times... everyone is an idiot when they don't agrre with your current point of view lol. that doesn't mean they are not worthy of our respect, decency, and common courtesy.
ok... i think i have got it out of my system, off my chest, and i can get on to spread some light on another plane... in another space and time.
thanks for all your comments, feedback, insight, and constructive criticism. thanks to all that have offered me support along the way. love an d respect to all my brothers and sisters in the -BAD- family. thanks to all my adversaries that have hosped me along the way, for not only are we perfected in our times of adversity and BY our adversarIES... but isht... because it is all a part of this game that we all have come to enjoy so much. it TRULY would not be the same without....