DejaVu Wrote:My opinion as I throw it in with the lot.
If your apologies and regret, are sincere as you have suggested and you are wishing to have good Karma flow through you, more power to you. You cannot blame everyone for their ⦠disbelief / utter lack of belief in this regard.
I have read back in the forums to many a rude, sarcastic and mocking comments from you, hence why it makes everyone wonder if you are indeed sincere or having the ravings of one seriously under the influence. I guess we could put if off to being off your meds if you are bipolar, but there is no need to get rude or fall into a TMI area.
you are entitled to your opinion, brother, as is everyone else. and i do honestly appreciate your input, as it appears to be coming from a sensible place. i have slandered other players in the forums, brother. you are right on point and hit the nail on the head in that regard, hence the need for me to purge MYSELF of that negative energy BY OFFERING A SINCERE GENERAL APOLOGY IN THIS POST. PUBLICLY.
there have been a few people who i have gone waaaaaay over the line with in the past, both privately, and publicly. to THOSE individuals that i remembered at the time, i sent personal messages which contained both sincere apologies and well wishes. one of the people was actually Fabio, who i am sure will confirm to anyone who asks, that i reached out to him a few times to try and apologize for slandering him publicly and take responsibility for the role that EYE took in the dissolution of our friendship. THAT private conversation took place within about a month or so of my thread.
DejaVu Wrote:As with everything, to gain positive energy you have to give it. Because I have read how you have responded in the past to comments, posts and so forth, I will believe it when I see it. But wish you the best of luck in your endeavor.
you speak truth, brother. it is undeniable that there is good sense and wisdom in your words and i thank you for your blessings. i only wish that you had understanding and the eyesto see that THIS THREAD IS the correction of my past verbal attacks, that you continue to hold against me.
this thread was my confession and repentance. to repent means not only to apologize, but to actually turn away from what you are apologizing for so as not to repeat the offense.
DejaVu Wrote:On that note, preaching (as you did in response to Dingus) should be saved for the pulpit or however you choose to express your religious beliefs, not in a forum setting. I for one can say there is no bigger turn off than someone who has no clue as to my beliefs to think they have the right to preach to me as if it will have meaning outside of their own thoughts.
we war not against flesh and blood, but principalities and spiritual wickness in high places. though Dingus would attack me carnally, my response was an attack against the spirit that operated through dingus and used him and others to try and provoke me to respond in the old fashion that you have spoken on. but the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through god in the pulling down of strong holds. the word of god is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even to the dividing assunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intentions of the heart.
do you see how quickly that foolishness subsided???
what you can preaching, i call expressing what is in my heart. were my heart filled with foolishness as it has been in the past, the foolish hearts of this world would have rejoiced and come to my defense, for the world takes care of it's own. but the lord is my strength and my strong fortress and on HIM will i depend. it is not my fight to be won brother, but his. i am but a tool, and a vessel for the spirit that i choose to entertain and operate in, as is Dingus.
seeing that this post is an expression of what is in my heart, and when under pressure and attack the inward parts of our heart are exposed, it is only natural that the word of god would flow from my heart, brother. anything else would be irrational and would immediately nullify any good that i had set out to do by making myself transparent and thus vulnerable to attack.
if it were the case that i am/was PREACHING in talking about the way we treat each other in this game and defending myself and my spirit against malicious personal attacks, isn't it right for me to stand on the pulpit i have made of this thread since i birthed it in the first place???
i have not judged anyone's relationship with the father, for i am not foolish enough to believe that it is my place to do so. but even a child is known whether he be good or evil by his or her actions.
this thread, the message herein, and any words that the spirit of god have moved me to be obedient in delivering, were here for whoever they were sent here to receive. i could not possibly say who that is and do not desire to slander any persons beliefs or disbeliefs. i want only to share the strength that is getting ME through these difficult times and trials i am persevering thru and to encourage and strengthen my brotheren. i would like to give TRUE POWER to those that may be powerless and lack the wisdom and understanding that is necessary to make it through these hard times.
DejaVu Wrote:Again, all said in my own opinion of your many posts, but wish you luck on your journey to find good Karma. 
i appreciate you, brother. thank you for your honesty and words of encouragement. god bless.