3rd Soldier
2009.Jan.18, 04:15 PM
Post: #61
Whatever you need to do Zen. We're right behind you. *brandishes hammer* 8)
2009.Jan.18, 04:16 PM
Post: #62
Howlsong Wrote:DOH!! Sad

That's the worst-case scenario. I appreciate those who noticed the pantheon/userlist and notified us immediately.

Zenith [2]
Game Creator and Admin
2009.Jan.18, 04:17 PM
Post: #63
It's time for AL to be restarted. :shock:
2009.Jan.18, 04:18 PM
Post: #64
She DID say "worst case scenario."

As an administrator, you have to choose which is worse. Losing data that's possibly corrupt, but still valuable, by going back to a known-good backup, or sticking with the most current data and hope you cleaned up all the damage.

No administrator wants to choose the known-good backup solution, as you hate to lose valuable data.

I'm sure she'll do everything in her power to keep all of our hard work intact.

EDIT: Apparently I need to type at light-speed. By the time I hit submit, I'm like 3 posts late!
2009.Jan.18, 04:19 PM
Post: #65
awesomo Wrote:
zenith Wrote:I'm not sure how long it will be down. Just trying to be completely thorough. The access logs can be several hundreds of megs per day, so I have to sort through it all.

Worst case scenario we go back to a known untampered backup, which is from this morning.
so not only do i lose a guarentted level in acc, i also lose all fo todays trains, so i have to train 3 more today for another level in ACC :?
'm only 20 points away from a new level in acc.
2009.Jan.18, 04:19 PM
Post: #66
What about people who donated after this morning? Will they get their creds back?
2009.Jan.18, 04:21 PM
Post: #67
And knowing Zen, if we do go back to an earlier backup, we'll probably get an extra Gymboree day out of it. Besides, everyone is affected the same.
2009.Jan.18, 04:21 PM
Post: #68
sure TommiTheTaco wants it restarted.i was just about to lay the smack down on him :wink:
2009.Jan.18, 04:22 PM
Post: #69

Oh well, better safe then sorry.
2009.Jan.18, 04:23 PM
Post: #70
vInDicaTed Wrote:And knowing Zen, if we do go back to an earlier backup, we'll probably get an extra Gymboree day out of it. Besides, everyone is affected the same.
on a sunday, i get more dev points than 3 working days, as do many others, would be unjustified

4:18 pm
New! Jack Mort attacked you and lost.

4:15 pm
New! Rafal attacked you and lost.
Thread Closed