Roulette Game
2009.Jan.18, 01:49 AM
Post: #11
<<homeless ALer in need of assisstance.....

ive never won at that. i stick to hospital slots, and blackjack when im in the farm
2009.Jan.18, 02:43 AM
Post: #12
I lost 100k and stopped playing for over a yr. now occasionally i'll feel a lil lucky and bet 50 bucks. :shock:

Using your Riot Axe you hit for 4724 points of damage. XXX resists 102 for a total of 4622 damage.

steve says
steve says
you sure got some big chesticles, howl
2009.Jan.18, 05:59 AM
Post: #13
ive bet 2400$ before

and as punisher says it goes both ways really just have to bet smart and know your limit

ive been up 500k on Roullette and jsut recentlly bought 1300 creds from Roullette Winnings so it can be done just got to go about it the right way
2009.Jan.18, 07:53 AM
Post: #14
The wheel isnt that bad to you if you're nice to it. I've been down a mil, but my midland house purchase came soley from the wheel winnings.
2009.Jan.18, 07:59 AM
Post: #15
I forgot to say thanks for changing the Topic couldn't do it last night due to the psp but yeah i hate roulette it sucks bombs.
2009.Jan.18, 08:34 AM
Post: #16
i have no ideea how the roulette works but i never actually managed to win
i always end up in -

"I wasn't resisting arrest, I was resenting arrest."
Some people are like slinkies they are really good for nothing but still bring a smile to your face when you push them down a flight of stairs.
2009.Jan.18, 09:28 AM
Post: #17
pun is the king of roulette

4:18 pm
New! Jack Mort attacked you and lost.

4:15 pm
New! Rafal attacked you and lost.
2009.Jan.18, 05:55 PM
Post: #18
not quite 6 million but I was down 2 million in a day only to come back and win about 300k and quit while I was ahead

9:42 pm
New! WilliamR (aka Punisher) attacked you and lost.

3:07 am
New! Howl attacked you and lost.
8:53 pm Conrad attacked you and lost.
2009.Jan.18, 05:57 PM
Post: #19
g2o2d4wp Wrote:not quite 6 million but I was down 2 million in a day only to come back and win about 300k and quit while I was ahead
still good bud
i just don't win
dosn't matter what i try

"I wasn't resisting arrest, I was resenting arrest."
Some people are like slinkies they are really good for nothing but still bring a smile to your face when you push them down a flight of stairs.
2009.Jan.18, 06:02 PM
Post: #20
awesomo Wrote:pun is the king of roulette