So you know; My statement in the other thread was a joke. Hope you aren't crying about that.
Im not talking bout the game im talking about roulette. Im on psp so have to shorten stuff.
Yeah tommi im sobbing my eyes out over that comment.
Oh. Roulette's awesome. You just suck.
I know. I'm giving you another reason to cry over, though. Get over the pain of sucking on your mom's thighs.

Yeah truly heartbreaking.
its fun...been up and down 6 mill both ways i think now
:shock: :shock: I lost 5k and I have to start all over & you lost 6mil once
Punisher Wrote:its fun...been up and down 6 mill both ways i think now
I think I've been up and down about $75k and after I lost the $75k I quit b/c I can't stomach the thought of losing $75k I can't imagine losing $1Mil let alone 6! :shock:
Pun you could of helped a homeless AL person out!