Where do you see the game going?
2008.Dec.04, 04:22 PM
Post: #101
Get a room you two.

Zenith [2]
Game Creator and Admin
2008.Dec.04, 04:25 PM
Post: #102
Maybe later. I'm not in the mood, right now.
2008.Dec.04, 04:40 PM
Post: #103
Word on the Street has it.

The Al community can now apply for an AL Visa card. By using the card in your everyday purchase you can accumalate AL Credits.
If you use the AL Visa card to make a donation you recieve an additional 25% in credits to the donator pack.

But the best part if you spend a certain amount you even get to have a new lvl weapon named after you.

Line up all and keep an eye out for the application form.
2008.Dec.04, 04:47 PM
Post: #104
Funny Sig NT!
2008.Dec.04, 05:01 PM
Post: #105
Thanks,, Ive done a cost comparison, I find that its cheaper to pay a fixed weekly amount with benefits than to get married.

Also allows for optional upgrades and style changes, but i do give a 30 days notice and excellent severance pay.
2008.Dec.04, 05:03 PM
Post: #106
He failed to mention the huge mole that keeps growing. :?