Look at 1st day results:
1 NightOfHorror 138 174 156 18 0 0
2 StJudas 102 168 135 33 0 0
3 TheGibson 94 94 94 0 0 0
4 Valhalla 75 215 145 70 0 64
5 ColonelONeil 74 130 102 28 0 15
6 BOOgada 59 107 83 24 0 0
7 TheWhiteWolf 45 53 49 4 0 0
8 BadLuck 39 128 73 34 21 3
9 strt182 35 36 35 0 1 0
10 TopTenHosper 24 38 31 7 0 0
I'm sure the only human who didn't use the 'trick' was BadLuck. TheGibson, TheWhiteWolf and srt182 have too few loses. The rest r all borg.
After that the competition is distorted by the trick till 3b, and just me and Thor competed there:
1 BlackGhoulFodder 21 69 45 24 0 0
2 Thor 18 33 25 7 1 1
Thor % is far better than mine, he's a borg.
Low participation in last day, these r the results:
1 NightOfHorror -- Already Won 15 19 17 2 0 0
2 ColonelONeil 8 27 17 9 1 1
3 TheBuddha 4 12 8 4 0 0
Extremely good % from Nightrain again. I'd say Colonel got bad luck there. Rest of ppl have normal figures.
The only 'normal' day where most of us were ignorant is the 1st. I might be wrong, but in my eyes it fits.