Gangs controllingStores idea???
2006.Nov.07, 02:48 PM
Post: #11
ya, I wanted to just have everyone overun the rural district, they woulda been too busy to make it worth their while. hehe, but the snipers stepped in.
2006.Nov.07, 03:03 PM
Post: #12
I gotta get me one of those sniper rifles!

If God is our father, you thought, then Satan must be our cousin
2006.Nov.07, 03:04 PM
Post: #13
no kidding, probably take like 500 accuracy though.
2006.Nov.07, 03:14 PM
Post: #14
yeah, they took ours away after we qualified with them :cry: I thought we got to bring them home haver basic training

If God is our father, you thought, then Satan must be our cousin
2006.Nov.08, 01:27 AM
Post: #15
ha. jus when they teach you to be proficient with them, they go and then take em away? thats a load lol

anyway, maybe if a gang owns a store or district or whatever your talking about, a modifier could be placed on all members of that gang's defensive abilities to make them easier to kill.

so if a gang expands to controlling too many ventures, and spreads their resources too thin, they could be easily beaten by lesser stat gangs?