skill points gripe
2009.Jan.28, 09:53 AM
skill points gripe
Post: #1
it seems as though the amount of points gotten before the adjustment has seriously decreased.

when i was like level 12-20 it seemed as though i was consistantly getting 15-18 points per hour of study when i studied on full energy and full ap,

somewhere along the line that all went to chit cuz i am consistently getting 6 flipping points on my studies.


anyone else notice a change??

and no, i am NOT talking about the change in your percentile aftr points are divided/factored by skill level. i mean the points before the math kicks in.

grrrrrrr...... frustration... grrrrrrrrrrrr!!!
2009.Jan.28, 10:20 AM
Post: #2
Good numbers come and go. IMO randomness sucks!
2009.Jan.28, 11:30 AM
Post: #3
Seems pretty constant to me. I get 16-18 points most often, with the random 6-8 mixed in every now and then.

"It takes only one drink to get me drunk. The trouble is, I can't remember if it's the thirteenth or the fourteenth." George F. Burns
2009.Jan.28, 12:20 PM
Post: #4
It seems like you get more points if your rank in the skill is higher.. I was getting 8-18 or so at the higher levels, but when I went back to a level 1 skill, I was getting all 4-12's.
2009.Jan.28, 12:23 PM
Post: #5
infinite93 Wrote:It seems like you get more points if your rank in the skill is higher.. I was getting 8-18 or so at the higher levels, but when I went back to a level 1 skill, I was getting all 4-12's.

i noticed this as well when i switched to train some of the armor skills.

1.) You hit for 1407 points of damage. xxxxxxx resists 16 for a total of 1391 damage.
2009.Jan.28, 12:28 PM
Post: #6
I believe Z did state gains increase with level
2009.Jan.28, 01:19 PM
Post: #7
I don't really care. Points're points..
2009.Jan.29, 01:13 PM
Re: skill points gripe
Post: #8
dombone76 Wrote:it seems as though the amount of points gotten before the adjustment has seriously decreased.

when i was like level 12-20 it seemed as though i was consistantly getting 15-18 points per hour of study when i studied on full energy and full ap,

somewhere along the line that all went to chit cuz i am consistently getting 6 flipping points on my studies.


anyone else notice a change??

and no, i am NOT talking about the change in your percentile aftr points are divided/factored by skill level. i mean the points before the math kicks in.

grrrrrrr...... frustration... grrrrrrrrrrrr!!!

Probably just you. LOL When I am training my higher medical career I get decent points. When I am training my politics career being just LVL 3 I get less. When I try for one of the other careers for some stat points I get low CPs being they are at LVL 1. Randomness and your level is the determination. I too had a few low scores on my medical side even. Cie La Vie. The other days/hours were probably good gains for you I bet.
2009.Jan.29, 01:19 PM
Re: skill points gripe
Post: #9
Scorpious Wrote:
dombone76 Wrote:it seems as though the amount of points gotten before the adjustment has seriously decreased.

when i was like level 12-20 it seemed as though i was consistantly getting 15-18 points per hour of study when i studied on full energy and full ap,

somewhere along the line that all went to chit cuz i am consistently getting 6 flipping points on my studies.


anyone else notice a change??

and no, i am NOT talking about the change in your percentile aftr points are divided/factored by skill level. i mean the points before the math kicks in.

grrrrrrr...... frustration... grrrrrrrrrrrr!!!

Probably just you. LOL When I am training my higher medical career I get decent points. When I am training my politics career being just LVL 3 I get less. When I try for one of the other careers for some stat points I get low CPs being they are at LVL 1. Randomness and your level is the determination. I too had a few low scores on my medical side even. Cie La Vie. The other days/hours were probably good gains for you I bet.
you're off topic bup Razz
he's talking bout skills
notice the word study

"I wasn't resisting arrest, I was resenting arrest."
Some people are like slinkies they are really good for nothing but still bring a smile to your face when you push them down a flight of stairs.
2009.Jan.29, 01:22 PM
Post: #10
DER!!!!!!!!!!!! I was thinking on the skills and posted careers. DARN IT!!!!!! Where is that dern coffee at? LOL

I have had 6s and 7s also just so everyone knows. I figure as long as I average close to 10 points I am doing alright.