does housing help any?
2008.Oct.02, 09:22 PM
does housing help any?
Post: #1
Character Handle ImInTheZoneChief
Verified Email Address
Location Downtown Decatur
Gender Male
Humanity 9
Days Old 234
Donator Days 65
Level 27
Experience 41,984 / 54,880
Hit Points 1199 / 1400
Money $0
Credits 0
Property Cardboard Box
Inventory Weight 23.4 kilograms (51.6 pounds)

i was wondering if i should buy a better house to maybe help boost my stats
2008.Oct.02, 09:24 PM
Post: #2
Housing doesn't do squat. I have recieved no sexual plesure from it.
2008.Oct.02, 09:27 PM
Post: #3
The higher your happiness, the better trains you will get, same for endurance.

If you got the money, upgrade them as much as you can.