jamestheshiner Wrote:Reckons he's the drek.
What does everyone else think?

you just signed your death sentence
jamestheshiner Wrote:'I bet half of the people that's put them on his enemies list(If not more) are lower level donators that have betrayed/belittled/bewildered him enough to anger him. Guaranteed.. ' - TomiTheTaco
Thats pure speculation , take your unfounded deductions elsewhere.
how ignorant can you be kiddo??? you're 48 days old.
you can't eaven wild an axe corectly and you bark at mountains????
Shadowgurad's one of the coolest guys around
he never attaked anyone without a reason(talking trash/bullying/scaming dosn't really matters)
in a while you'll end up seeing that your self
in the meantime just lay low and shut up