Preference layout bug
2008.Aug.28, 09:24 AM
Preference layout bug
Post: #1
With the new server in place, looks like the washout option won't initiate. Can anyone here confirm that?

2008.Aug.28, 10:33 AM
Post: #2
Yeah. Doesn't work.
2008.Aug.28, 12:00 PM
Post: #3
I am actually one of those people that use it. Can we get this layout a new pair of sneaker to have it running again?

2008.Aug.28, 01:00 PM
Post: #4
The bug is not the White washed layout in particular, it is not switching from one to the other. I am in the white layout now and have been unable to go green.
2008.Aug.28, 03:11 PM
Post: #5
It's the database issue. Somehow the new preference command were not able to update the user profile in the database. should be a easy fix for Zen. =)

I also notice there is a sql warning error when you post an credit.

2008.Aug.28, 03:18 PM
Post: #6

Zenith [2]
Game Creator and Admin
2008.Aug.28, 03:23 PM
Post: #7
It works!

