and we're back!
2008.Aug.14, 06:30 PM
Post: #11
Zen, make sure you watch the vid in the link I just posted.
2008.Aug.14, 07:34 PM
Post: #12
mudpies Wrote:

2008.Aug.14, 07:35 PM
Post: #13
That sucked big time!
2008.Aug.14, 07:37 PM
Post: #14
I found it to be quite funny and entertaining. specifically the sales guys reaction to remote assistance, which I do plenty of.
2008.Aug.14, 07:42 PM
Post: #15
Person 1 "chip, AOL? dont use AOL, its dial up networking."
Person 2 "well how am i going to get to the internet without AOL?"
Person 1 "its broadband"
Person 2 "but, i got like 40,000 hours for free!"

2008.Aug.14, 08:02 PM
Post: #16
I guess if you suck at the internets like the guy calling you won't get it.