2008.Jul.18, 02:58 PM
Post: #61
im getting .3 percent an hour at lvl 4.
2008.Jul.25, 08:50 AM
Post: #62
well it seems everybody forgot to keep everybody updated on getting their ranks in skills,anybody else got rank 4 or even close to rank 5 yet
2008.Jul.25, 09:15 AM
Post: #63
I got rank 4 SMG.

A few days in to the slow build to rank 5.
2008.Jul.25, 09:19 AM
Post: #64
148 hours and at 42 % on rank 5, good god it takes so long to get rank 5, i really hate to see gettting to rank 6,it will take months
2008.Jul.25, 09:36 AM
Post: #65
100 hours and 37% towards rank 5
shoot this is going slow

"I wasn't resisting arrest, I was resenting arrest."
Some people are like slinkies they are really good for nothing but still bring a smile to your face when you push them down a flight of stairs.
2008.Jul.25, 09:41 AM
Post: #66
I am working on getting to level four, get about 3% for every 8 hours of studying, currently at 22%
2008.Jul.25, 09:43 AM
Post: #67
I have failed my test for rank 4 about 6 times now. The highest grade I had was an A on the first attempt.
6th highest intel in the game, you would think I could pass this damn test.
2008.Jul.25, 10:55 AM
Post: #68
start working on rank 4 tomorrow got 100% just waiting for that test time

But their is one that they fear. In their tongue it is nova-king, DRAGONBORN!
2008.Jul.25, 11:56 AM
Post: #69
There is a rumor that someone has a rank 10, but I can neither confirm nor deny it.
2008.Jul.25, 11:57 AM
Post: #70