Players currently "retired"...
1006 - RETIREDBeelzebub
1302 - idontplaythisgame (idontknowhothisreallyis)
1425 - RetiredFunkonaut (wanted to stay away, so forced
retirement to ensure it)
1448 - Dread Pirate Pinky
2192 - Matt (biggest opponent of it until he quit, cause of the debate)
3018 - wild3jeff
3137 - IcingDeath (Went into forced
retirement so he could focus on real-world events... and felt this was the only way to stay out)
3205 - Roxanne (not the song)
Was going over my
retirement notes...
Casanova is actually the originator of the
retirement district. He figured out he can't do a thing while retired except mail, so he moved out. Daemon was originally moved in there because he cheated... and was worth more XP than he should have been while being a pushover. After I corrected his account and fixed the bug he was moved out. There have been others who have moved to the
retirement district so they could force themselves to stay out, but they came back