lrrltt Wrote:Thats one way to go, but your gang will never get stronger, you need to become a diplomat, everyone gets farmed, it just the way it goes, but every gang has a weak point, try to find it. Hell we have lost 30-40 points before and still we did not complain, war, war or join another gang. Also this does not help you cause, people will take this as whinning and be more tempted to hit you.
Good luck
I like this dude.

Another thing to remember is that if your guys aren't on all the time and aren't fighting back, you're gonna get hit more often. The reason big gangs don't always hit big gangs is b/c we know we're gonna get hit back if we declare. If I was a smaller warring gang and saw all of your players on and knew if i declared on you guys I'd get a longer battle and less longrun war pts I would be less apt to declare constantly. Join a bigger gang, recruit better, more active players or throw in the war towel. It may not be for you. It certainly isn't for everybody.