It makes me laugh so hard about the talk of the SV/DM "alliance" you have no clue. We helped them once when val with the help of 2 other gangs jumbed them, seeing this we felt it was unfare so we helped DM out, still 2 against 3 war. Then a few days after Val jumped us, again with the help of a few other gangs (but remember the post a few back "val has never TRIED to beat SV" lol what have you been doing all this time using up spare ap) and DM though hey they helped us we should help them. After this DM started getting mails from a few players saying some stuff that im not going to get into, then we heard that we had an "alliance" and other gangs were getting mailed to join in the great war to take down the two evil gangs.
So after some talk we said you know what its been talked about that we are so what the hell lets do it may as will. Yes we were friends before but the "alliance" has been born out of the fears of a few people who only care about getting to the top anyway they can using who ever they please.
Im happy we slowed down over here we done what we wanted (first gang to 100k) now gives me more ap to save for my next house.