SuperGangs vs SimpleGangs
2008.May.21, 03:48 PM
Post: #71
Ill tell you why "Super gangs" rarely war each other.


Career points,stims,nimbus bars,credits and honor.

1) career points roughly in the region of 1000 per gang, per war.
2) Stims probably around 150k+ for each gang.
3) Nimbus bars around 100k+ for each gang.
4) Credits.... upwards of 1000 per gang,probably a whole lot more.
5) You cannot put a price on honor.

Why war like this for 15 gang points when you can roll a low level.low member gang for 30+ points.Its all about maximizing your ap's and time to the most efficient way you can.
2008.May.21, 03:54 PM
Post: #72
ok we all know the reason small gangs get hit this thread should be locked up and sealed away forever.

large gangs still pound med gangs, med gangs pound small gangs, and the weak gets pounded by everyone thats life
2008.May.21, 04:01 PM
Post: #73
DirkDanja Wrote:ok we all know the reason small gangs get hit this thread should be locked up and sealed away forever.

large gangs still pound med gangs, med gangs pound small gangs, and the weak gets pounded by everyone thats life
Thus sayeth the Poison Clam.
2008.May.21, 04:18 PM
Post: #74
This has nothing to with the thread, but do you earn more poinnts that faster you take out a gangs hideout?
2008.May.21, 05:02 PM
Post: #75
lrrltt Wrote:This has nothing to with the thread, but do you earn more poinnts that faster you take out a gangs hideout?


Zenith [2]
Game Creator and Admin
2008.May.21, 05:04 PM
Re: saint
Post: #76
yobtebe Wrote:funny saint - u say u havnt attacked me then what do u do right after u post - u attack me - and ive spoken with loki - all he did was state that i was digging myself deeper - thats all - but you needs to express your superiority by hitting me - thats what wrong in AL - attitudes like that - attitudes that your the bigger and better and you need to prove it - in AL - try it in the real world sometime lol

nope, just curious how tough you were, and you were offline too, so I don't see what your problem is. as for proving myself in the real world, I'm not the one who's so pissed off over a game, that I'm going to assume I'm better than people in the real world. I know there are people smarter and wiser than me all over the planet, and many in this game, but the more you talk and talk, I'm getting the impression you're not one of them.
2008.May.21, 05:05 PM
Post: #77
that's burned. Funny as hell.
2008.May.21, 05:17 PM
Post: #78
someone should really lock this thread...we all know the reason small gangs get hit this thread has gone off topic
2008.May.21, 05:26 PM
Post: #79
DirkDanja Wrote:someone should really lock this thread...we all know the reason small gangs get hit this thread has gone off topic

booooooo @ locking threads. who does this hurt?
2008.May.21, 05:30 PM
Post: #80
mudpies Wrote:
DirkDanja Wrote:someone should really lock this thread...we all know the reason small gangs get hit this thread has gone off topic

booooooo @ locking threads. who does this hurt?
not me but its really senseless asking over and over again why do stronger gangs hit weaker gangs we ALL know the outcome easy gang points less time and effort spent destorying a hideout what else is there to say or am o missing something here