ok, i'm usually not one to name names, i just point people in the direction, and if you've been paying enough attention, you tend to know what i'm talking about!! but it seems that a few people misunderstood what i was doing entirely
#1) i was not talking about jola. jola, i think you are an OK mod, but you have a quick trigger finger. i can understand that what you did may have been a slight oversight in not understanding my sarcasm (as someone else put it, uh, i was degrading myself more than w00k, i thought that would be fairly clear!

), and i made the 2nd post to poke fun at you, hopefully convince you to unlock the thread. i was considering messing with you, but i wasnt really mad, just kind of taken aback
#2) i hate it when people lie to take out something on me that is an obvious personal grudge. lets face it, ush has modded me on the forums many times because he feels i am immature, even if i am not being THAT bad. so how does he handle it? repeated locks and editted threads. this, to me, is unacceptable
druchii, you get some flack for your modzillaness sometimes. but every time, you give clear warning, or you say "guys, quit the personal attacks," or SOMETHING. it gives people a chance to quit it. ush just goes "psh, i dont take my job seriously, im just not gonna waste time and i'm going to lock this thread." it's happened to me MANY MANY times. no other mod has done this, well, unless theres a clear reason
ush, for the most part, i respect you, i really do, but i honestly feel that moderator "power" has gone to your head, and you're making some very, very unwise decisions. this is not a case of a quick trigger finger, this is not a case of a mistake, this is about personal attacks on me, and not allowing me to speak my mind in an eloquent, reasonable fashion. i believe that is 100% unfair, and you should either rethink how you moderate the forums, or i would humbly request you step down from the position of forum moderator. its offensive to me, and, if i'm not mistaken, it's offensive to a few others as well. please do not lie to me so that you can form a reason to lock my threads and abuse me, it is not befitting of a moderator, and i've seen enough, really.
i'm very sorry for the personal attack, but i feel it had to be done. some of you were confused at the direction of my posts, and i needed to write this to explain what was going on. if i have broken no rules, why would my threads all be locked immediately? this makes no sense to me, and i find myself to be (even if you all dont!!) a fairly logical person. if i broke the rules, enforce them. but where have i broken the rules? i have not. it's not like i'm TeamPBR posting on the forums about all the newbies i've pwned, and how cool it is to be a punk. i made a joke, MOSTLY AGAINST MYSELF, and it was a satirical post. i was not insulting cheetah (yes, some of you think i was trying to really insult her), but i just played off of her posts to make fun of myself. terrible thing, huh?
in summation, please stop this harassment. i havent seen many mods abuse their powers, especially not against me, as others have. i am not anti-mod, but i am anti-modzi. does anyone else agree with me here?