All the weapons in the game....Yes there are the best Pistols, shotguns and melee weapons.
They cost the most, unless it's a special item, take for example Shadowguards sword. It's a unique melee weapon, but it won't do him any good without melee stats. Plus you have to factor in that at the time of creation a unique weapon is one of the most powerful put into the game as something special for winning those comps.
It all comes down to personal choice. How your stats are built and how good you do with a certain weapon. I can tell you this, I have used every melee weapon in the game with the exception of the unique personal weapons and I know the ones I like over what others. Skill will now play a further roll in this. Heck I even use some just for PVP while others for hideout hits because they work better but are not better weapons.
So baisicly if person A. and person B. use the same weapon, have the exact same stats, but person A. has the skill for it and person B has never trained it then person A should always win. You still have to throw the AL random factor in