2008.Apr.19, 10:16 AM
Post: #51
grabtindy Wrote:Bwah, wook beat me to it. (The hit, not the post)

Jay, looks like you've got about 180 minutes to go outside.

lol, it was 234 mins Biggrin

"Do you see what happens, Larry? Do you see what happens when you fuck a stranger in the ass?! This is what happens, Larry! This is what happens when you fuck a stranger in the ass! "
2008.Apr.19, 10:56 AM
Post: #52
Loki Wrote:do you have an item id on that bike you mentioned

LOL lol lol
2008.Apr.19, 12:26 PM
Post: #53
go ride a bike!
2008.Apr.20, 04:52 PM
Post: #54
what bunch of n00bs
2008.Apr.20, 05:13 PM
Post: #55
whats a bike?
2008.Apr.20, 09:38 PM
Post: #56
diss is totally getting pwned by SV right pretty sure its because of this thread too...SV always looking out for their boys in Valhalla...thanks for the help guys, but i think we can handle them on our own.
2008.Apr.20, 10:19 PM
Post: #57
Christ, you guys just had to have the pissing contest inside the house, and now all the noobs are swimming around in it.

To get back on topic.

Quote:Posers and gang hoppers.


Never change a winning recipy.

Key to success: "Dress everyday like you're gonna get murdered in those clothes.
2008.Apr.20, 10:53 PM
Post: #58
Loki Wrote:do you have an item id on that bike you mentioned

hahaha LMFAO!
2008.Apr.21, 08:30 AM
Post: #59
delpot Wrote:diss is totally getting pwned by SV right pretty sure its because of this thread too...SV always looking out for their boys in Valhalla...thanks for the help guys, but i think we can handle them on our own.

I would rather take a beating for takin a shot at the champ, then sit around and let another gang gloat about farming, oops I mean winning, the most Gang War Point's in a war thus far...
2008.Apr.21, 10:34 AM
Post: #60
}DIS{ and {^%@--V--@%^}

so happy together?