Poll: what crimes can you do? (AP= Action Points)
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What crimes can you do?
2006.Sep.16, 04:57 AM
What crimes can you do?
Post: #1
please say which crime you can do and add how much u get for each crime Biggrin
2006.Sep.16, 02:19 PM
Post: #2
Level 13 (29 AP), I stick with stealing a clunker for now (9 AP) because it gives me the highest success rate (I can do the higher crimes, just not worth it). I get anywhere from 150-300ish each time. Plus, the jail time for higher crimes starts getting pretty high
2006.Sep.16, 02:34 PM
Post: #3
i am level 10 with 23 action points. i do the 5 point pickpocketing then the 9 point car theft twice. good money and usually dont get sent to jail
2006.Sep.16, 05:19 PM
Post: #4
At the moment, I'm doing the Monorail Station crime and get around 40 to 80 dollars.
2006.Sep.16, 11:17 PM
Post: #5
im lvl 5 i can only do the 3 ap pickpoketting my lowest result is 15 dollars/ highest 40 dollars :cry: Evil < succes rate: 72%
2006.Sep.17, 03:43 AM
Post: #6
im level 10, i do the 9 point car crimes, i can succede on the 12 point ones but i get jailed regurlalyalylylayylyayarly?

i cant spell cant spell reguraly
2006.Sep.17, 04:15 AM
Post: #7
re-gu-lar-ly -> regularly
2006.Sep.17, 04:20 AM
Post: #8
it just sounds so wierd, regularly, does anyone ever not say it finetically? regurly
2006.Sep.18, 05:39 AM
Post: #9
i do the 16ap car crime and a 12 point car crime. I dont get that much jail time but when i do its around 140min.
2006.Sep.19, 07:07 AM
Post: #10
ill stick to my 4ap tourist mugs Wink