2008.Mar.11, 12:40 PM
Post: #1
is anyone else struggling to log on i cant log on?
2008.Mar.11, 12:42 PM
Post: #2

The world is coming to an end.

Key to success: "Dress everyday like you're gonna get murdered in those clothes.
2008.Mar.11, 12:44 PM
Post: #3
Yes, i can't either Sad
2008.Mar.11, 12:44 PM
Post: #4
There is also a major bug with friend and ennemy list, took screenshot if someone needs it.
2008.Mar.11, 12:45 PM
Post: #5
Can you post it?
2008.Mar.11, 12:45 PM
Post: #6
It was a major bug with everything. I found out as I attacked before the site went down that all weapons and armors was unequipped.

Key to success: "Dress everyday like you're gonna get murdered in those clothes.
2008.Mar.11, 12:53 PM
Post: #7
The server DNS transfer is more than likely the cause. I'm looking into it.

Zenith [2]
Game Creator and Admin
2008.Mar.11, 12:58 PM
Post: #8
Lets see how long it takes for someone to start demanding a refund Smile

2008.Mar.11, 01:01 PM
Post: #9
I demand a refund! :wink:
2008.Mar.11, 01:02 PM
Post: #10
Punisher Wrote:Lets see how long it takes for someone to start demanding a refund Smile

LOL, hmmm 15 minutes is worth what? About 0.005 cents

***Women are like phones: They like to be held, talked to, and touched often. But push the wrong button and your arse will be disconnected!***

**The true measure of an individual is how he treats a person who can do him absolutely no good.**