Poll: What is the color I should pick? (listed in correct order)
Red (the passionate moderator look)
Violet (gives the impression I\'m firm but loving)
Cyan (makes me look smarter, but stricter)
Green (Looks like I only moderate when smoking ganja, appealing to the youth)
Blue (makes me look a bit macho)
[Show Results]
What's the "Druchii" color?
2008.Jan.27, 04:13 PM
Post: #21
I like white, myself
2008.Jan.27, 04:16 PM
Post: #22
psheehan78 Wrote:I like white, myself

white is not a color Biggrin

Member of Comunità di Sant'Egidio
2008.Jan.27, 04:25 PM
Post: #23
if you choose black, we won't have to look at it. mmmm i vote for black.
2008.Jan.27, 04:27 PM
Post: #24
Can we vote on whether to have long winded posts if we promise not to read any of the posts to which we respond?
2008.Jan.27, 04:29 PM
Post: #25
Always charming to see your half witty remarks which you sadly enough have given all your effort to come up with.

Key to success: "Dress everyday like you're gonna get murdered in those clothes.
2008.Jan.27, 04:31 PM
Post: #26
Going nowhere. Come on now, back on topic.

Zenith [2]
Game Creator and Admin
2008.Jan.27, 04:56 PM
Post: #27
geez Zen, i thought my computer was acting up lol
2008.Jan.27, 06:59 PM
Post: #28
violet because it would match your underwear :shock:
2008.Jan.27, 07:10 PM
Post: #29
Attention Whore Red

Yes-Man Green

BS Brown

my favs, in no particular order.
2008.Jan.27, 07:12 PM
Post: #30

Key to success: "Dress everyday like you're gonna get murdered in those clothes.