Err Wrote:Once the protection wears off he is fair game again. Of course, the player being protected cannot attack anyone or help in a gang war against the hideout. If they do, their protection ends.
I agree with this. i give you the permission to code it then

TommiTheTaco Wrote:I'm still wondering about gains of the gang war. I'm not seeing much on it.
the gains of the gang wars would be gang points used to upgrade/maintain the gang functions that could be affected during a war.
If a gang have the control on the drug market, for example, and if their function of producing drugs, quality drugs assuming as long as they control the market(Zenith suggesting something with regard to this in another thread) is affected, they lose that monopol and then they will have to take it back.
If you don't want/like winning gang points, think at wars as a way of taking control over something that over gangs have, or slowing them down so your gang could obtain greater benefits, which we will see in the future, because the admins are still thinking at other ways of spending gang points