Couple of things from the old system that need to be addressed
Surrender. We once all but destroyed the jail busters in their previous guise as their pres refused to send a surrender and demanded their gang points back (

I know) A gang that declares must have the option and ability to end it on their own terms. Our only option was to keep going. Defeating the hideout as it is now seems the best way of calling a halt on your own terms.
Activity. Often gangs would declare when everyone was offline. You would wake up to a 50-60 point defecit, surrender. wait till they were offline and do it back. This wasnt war it was gang respect mugging. Anwer to this has to be gangs can only be declared upon if they have a percentage no of members online.
Slot deletion requires clarification. If a gang surrenders they keep their spot, however if they reach 0 respect they lose a spot. I am personally all for slot deletion as long as there is an option to use gang points to buy spots. More number of spots/higher no of points. This is along side buying spots traditionally. Alternatively, you can regain a gang spot once you reach 100 respect again. Achieved by fighting other gangs or converting gang points.
I like druchiis plan of running the two side by side. Gives an option to gain gang points only while more aggressive gangs could retaliate. Introduces a punishment factor and also a greater risk of failure.
An old tactic was to hospitalise the strongest opposing player to protect the weaker members, for me hospitalisations should give 0 respect. It should be a tactic and not be rewarded. Straight fights regardless of health should be rewarded. Stronger players give 5 points, Similar players 3 and weaker 0
Gangs should have at least 50% respect before they are declarable upon. They can declare but cant be attacked. Gives them chance to regain respect but not be eliminated. Similar to the Hideout HP rule as it stands.
Larger gangs benefit because their gang crimes payout larger amounts and more points. They also would benefit because there would be a need for more of them to be online before they become declarable. This protects their more expensive gang slots and doesnt see a gang lose a couple of million in a matter of hours.
Tied in with the hideout HP this gives a weaker gang a get out clause, a chance to run and end the war on their terms other than surrender.
This system would see a reintroduction of tactics and teamwork and its been long overdue.