Conrad1103 Wrote:well... i gotta go to the real gym a sec. you SV guys dont get too mad. im just having fun bc you guys see you arent #1 on the block any more (still tough though, of course)
later on everyone! 
Yeh, I'm not sure what "number one" means, but some numbers speak for themselves:
Most criminally active gangs in the last 24 hours (gang-members commiting crimes)
Rank Gang
1 Super Villains
Gang Points earned from Organized Crimes
Rank Gang Gang Points
1 Super Villains 1,603
Top Gang Points Earned in War
Rank User Gang Points
1 Super Villains 95726
(Gangs by level ((excluding those with 1 member)) )
Super Villains 21 Poonisher 30.6 Online
Maturity 2 AreYouShpongled 28.0 Offline
Valhalla 17 ThorGodOfWar 26.7 Online
Bad Muthas 15 IcingDeath 25.8 Online
Dark Matter 20 randomjacker 25.7 Online