Yes I know

and I'm a fan of keeping retirement district, cause I recognize players right to actually seize to be a part of the game until they wanna come back
But while they are here and playing it would be nice to see who could be tough enough to actually be PvP enabled, admittedly, everyone would need to enable themselves for PvP to level up later on. Since level gives modifiers to stats, and ontop of that increases EP/AP refreshes, increases Happiness refresh and increases maximum EP/AP, letting you do bigger trains and more meth crimes.
And PvP enabled vs PvE fights, maybe lower the reduction to 10%.
That way, when PVP fights PVE the bonuses would zero out each other, and you would get normal xp -10%+10%=0
but PvE against PvE = -20% xp
PvP against PvP = +20% xp
And in addition to Zen's last change with attacks on the same person resulting in jail, I would like to see diminishing return on xp when you attack the same target within a timeframe.