PvP tagging your account
20% more experience points when attacking, you give 20% more experience points when attacked.
10% reduction in money gained from crimes.
5% reduction in gains from Gym.
10% reduction in travel costs.
PvE tagging your account
Receive 20% less experience from attacking other people, give 20% less experience points when attacked.
10% increase in money made from crimes.
5% increase in Gym gains.
10% increase in Travel costs.
How often can you change the PvP and PvE status?
Once every 7 days.
Other PvP and PvE settings
Weapons Expertise.
-Melee weapon expertise, grants 5% more gains on Strength training and 8% decline on ACC training.
-Gun expertise, grant 5% more gains on ACC training, 8% decline on Strength training.
-Defense expertise, grant 5% gain on resistance training,8% decline on Dexterity
-Evasion expertise, grant 5% gain on dexterity training, 8% decline on resistance training.
-Financial Expertise, 100% increase on Bank Interest, 8% decline on all gym trains, 4% increase on all Crime gains, 5% less chance to get caught on crimes that need intellect.
Subject to change expertise ever 30days.
I like this, though I'd be PvE almost always.
And the expertise should maybe affect something people are going to care about, like acc train up, instead of str down since most training acc don't care much about str and vice versa, maybe dex train down etc
Most people would always choose PvE to give less exp for most people train much more than they level. A lot of people don't get the concept of attacking for exp, take multiple attacks personal and simply hate being attacks and they'll use that option to try and reduce the number of times they are attacked.
It would help a lot of people for training but would definitely slow down the game, IMO.
Take out the "giving less % xp when attacked" and the rest looks very cool.
I'm a fan of this idea.
Off topic but still a fan of district bonuses too.
Look at it this way:
Alot of training will raise your power bar, hence raising xp given when beaten. PvE targets may wield 20% less xp, but they wield alot of xp since they train harder then pvp marked.
Attacking alot will increase level and levels give modifiers to attributes, that makes you perform better with the attributes you have.
So attacking someone that has alot of stats can give more XP then beating up a weak person 5 levels higher.
And PvP marked targets could even get a 5% increase on combat skills for the period they are PvP marked, just cause they are hardened in combat.
Would even like to see increase in Energy refresh rate on PVP marked, and an increase in Action Point refresh rate for those PvE marked.
My wish with this idea is a chance to customize your character more, make it the fighter you wanna have or be.
Yeah, PvP fighters will travel alot more to find the best targets, hence they should get a discount on the travelling. While PvE'ers stand more still in 1 district to train. I think that the discount should be bigger, maybe upto 20-30%. That being said, what I really like about the new career option is the chance to customize our character more.
I'm all in favor of customizable characters, I said it often before but you do realize that while a 20% less XP at low level may only mean 10-15 exp and be replaced in a few days by gaining 2-3 stats level, it means 60-80 at higher levels and will need monthS and a lot of training to be replaced.
That's about that I was talking about. I do get your point, I just hate cowards (no offense intended toward anyone) and all the ways that exist for them to hide. (I'm a hardcore fan of removing the retirement district!!)
Yes I know

and I'm a fan of keeping retirement district, cause I recognize players right to actually seize to be a part of the game until they wanna come back
But while they are here and playing it would be nice to see who could be tough enough to actually be PvP enabled, admittedly, everyone would need to enable themselves for PvP to level up later on. Since level gives modifiers to stats, and ontop of that increases EP/AP refreshes, increases Happiness refresh and increases maximum EP/AP, letting you do bigger trains and more meth crimes.
And PvP enabled vs PvE fights, maybe lower the reduction to 10%.
That way, when PVP fights PVE the bonuses would zero out each other, and you would get normal xp -10%+10%=0
but PvE against PvE = -20% xp
PvP against PvP = +20% xp
And in addition to Zen's last change with attacks on the same person resulting in jail, I would like to see diminishing return on xp when you attack the same target within a timeframe.
financial bonus here i come!!
hydro9226 Wrote:(I'm a hardcore fan of removing the retirement district!!)
Off topic but +1
on topic. some good bits, perhaps an overhaul of the school system could incorporate some of these features.
This idea if worked out could be a good starting point for the customizable characters Im not sure if being able to change every 30 days will lead to customization. rather it may do the same thing the career system did...just make it easier to achieve the same cookie cutter builds we will all have
perhaps giving a bit more meaning to the stat themselves will work better.
for example....you have 5 more dex than your opponent perhaps then every 5 maybe six rounds you get a bonus attack to represent your superior speed.
or every you regen an extra 1HP for each point of resistance
I especially like you specialized training idea though Dru.