Jailed for multiple attacks.:@
2007.Oct.05, 03:21 PM
Post: #11
Well yesterday i hit Behemoth loads of times, no jail

but this morning i hit him 3 times and got caught 3 times Sad
2007.Oct.05, 03:36 PM
Post: #12
Quimballdinho Wrote:Well yesterday i hit Behemoth loads of times, no jail

but this morning i hit him 3 times and got caught 3 times Sad

If you are attacking for XP, you get 4 attacks in a 24-hour period before there is a chance at being hospitalized. The more attacks in the last 24 hours, the greater your chances. Most people will see 6 to 7 against 1 opponent before they get nabbed. Reason you had none yesterday was because the code was enabled last night. The reason you are getting them now is because you have a TON of attacks in the last 24 hours against him.

If you are hospitalizing, you start getting a chance to win the jail lottery on the 2nd attack in a 24-hour period.

Zenith [2]
Game Creator and Admin
2007.Oct.05, 03:38 PM
Post: #13
I guess I will be the one that agree's with this new code. I've done my "attacking" sprees in the past in order to keep up with some of the "level racers" under the old combat code. Now the code is more balanced (well maybe little more geared toward stats) this code increases to have more people train more than try to level fast.
Zenith has always said she's wanted a game that takes time to build a character, maybe this new code will force people to work more on stats so that characters will be more balanced level vs stat.

Just my $.02

If God is our father, you thought, then Satan must be our cousin
2007.Oct.05, 03:47 PM
Post: #14
Enabled just now...

NPCs are not subject to the jail code.

Attacking players who have been offline for awhile (won't say how long) will not result in a jail chance, but the moment they long on it's back to the normal code.

Zenith [2]
Game Creator and Admin
2007.Oct.05, 03:49 PM
Post: #15
Thanks Zen we appreciate it! You're the Best!

Using your Riot Axe you hit for 4724 points of damage. XXX resists 102 for a total of 4622 damage.

steve says
steve says
you sure got some big chesticles, howl
2007.Oct.05, 03:51 PM
Post: #16
So let's say they log on and it's back to the normal code. Does your attacks in the last 24 hours when the code didn't apply to you now apply. Say you hit them 6 times and it didn't apply. They log in, does it go to 0 or does it automatically go to 6?
2007.Oct.05, 04:04 PM
Post: #17
I think its an excellent change. I'm not sure why a level 21 would have to attack the same player soo many times in a 24 hour period. there are plenty of players to attack in a day without any repeats.

I have a list of about 20 inactives if you want it email me in game
2007.Oct.05, 04:41 PM
Post: #18
And since we have this now, could you possibly think of putting something for us as far as how many times we've attacked X in a 24 hr period?
2007.Oct.05, 04:45 PM
Post: #19
valleroy86 Wrote:And since we have this now, could you possibly think of putting something for us as far as how many times we've attacked X in a 24 hr period?

Should have them listed on the attack page right before you attack.

Zenith [2]
Game Creator and Admin
2007.Oct.05, 05:07 PM
Post: #20
I have a suggestion on this. In the real world when you have a domestic dispute someone always goes to jail to calm the situation down. Most State laws require this. If in our world something like this is going on, don't do one, do both.

Just throw both parties in jail for say 72 hours. Then neither can play, both cool down, and the threat and the real punishment are there, not a chance.

For that you can have Ingame mods do the jailing and no one would even know who did it. Not only that it might cut down on the mails you get about whining, probably not, but you want to be fair-- fair isn't practical in situations like this. However it serves a purpose because you won't be a bad guy either way, you punish both for being imature.

If people can't understand that this is a game to be played for fun, and it's not the goal to drive other players away, do we really need those people in the player base anyway? Throw them in Jail, if they continue the abusive tactics keep them in longer and longer. If they can't get the hint after the first time oh well.

Just my thoughts on it.
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