2007.Aug.10, 08:47 AM
Post: #11
Nice Scorp! Thanks for the head's up. 126 points and counting for me...
2007.Aug.10, 04:33 PM
Post: #12
NP at all. Definitely making sure I get all my hours in. Really hated missing some. Otherwise I would have had it a day sooner. GRRRRRR
2007.Aug.15, 06:18 AM
Post: #13
Biggrin :shock: Arrow
2007.Aug.27, 11:47 PM
Post: #14
I made level 2. Anybody got level 3 yet? What's the bonus?
2007.Aug.29, 09:39 PM
Post: #15
Still LVL 2 myself I am afraid. Had many long work days where I only was able to get to the game and work 4 to 6 hours at my career and missed the OT many times. I think you will get Med3 before I do. Smile Smile Smile I am sure there are others very much closer than I am.
2007.Aug.29, 11:32 PM
Post: #16
I'm about 900 pts away from lvl3. It sucks having to go to 1350 but it's not so bad now that I have less than 1000... Wink
2007.Aug.30, 07:49 PM
Post: #17
You're getting there bud. I just went over 1000 points now with my OT so I only have 375 or so more to go. LVL 3 and a few days points and then on to another career. Smile Smile
2007.Aug.30, 11:19 PM
Post: #18
Cool man! Make sure you fill me in! Wink What's next on the career agenda for ya?
2007.Aug.31, 01:48 AM
Post: #19
Something to improve my END some more. Smile Will of course post the bonuses to Med3 if any. THat is unless others beat me to it. If I get some kind of good heal for other players in the hospital I may take it to Med4 before I switch. Smile
2007.Aug.31, 11:57 PM
Post: #20
Sounds like a good plan. I want to up my work exp after Med2.