(2016.Jan.02 04:37 PM)Acooper Wrote: Cheetah use hosp me regularly cause I wouldn't give in, or back down. Even though I knew I was gonna get the hosp. Of course it didn't help that I would stim out and effectively stick my tongue out at her by sending something stupid in a mail, or sending $100-200 to her $1 at a time ( you wouldn't believe how much that upsets, and further enraged some people) aka space bird and connie
Youd be surpirsed at how much it really burned my nuts lol just joking. It made no difference to me or my gameplay in the slightest. In hindsight, I would imagine connie and cheats would say similarly. This game was a blast when I had a dead end job or was drinking too much. I was gonna do what I wanted to do to you regardless of your actions.
deadman your ideas still suck and you are still an idiot.
sad to see the hosp with 6 ppl in it. Games been too far gone for years. I mean its great to be nostalgic and all but some of you take it too far.