Yea, Pimpsta101.

I don't remember the round number, but I seem to remember that we were in the middle of combat, as opposed to near the (expected) end. I do not know this for sure, but I was supprised at the message as I have not gotten it before. It is much different from the "refresh at the end of combat" message I get when I am home quite often, due to the now over-talked-about IE 7 issue I have.
The time was about 1 minute earlier than my post at 11 Aug 2006 13:11. And I was at work, so no IE7 (which I am running at home). It was on IE 6, with just one window open.
The message appeared in white text (the same color as when you do not have enough energy to attack someone), but the grammar is funny in the message I got. The message was cut straight from the screen, "You can only attack someone when you have at least energy."
That is all I have to go on. I was hoping the exact time might help narrow it down. There was basically no indication that a fight was in progress from my perspective. I only lost the energy from starting the fight.